I always imagined people who are vegan's as being "hippy types who don't have jobs and maybe live in a forest or commune or who want to live in a forest or commune."
BUT, Matt and I watched this documentary , Forks Over Knives, on Netflix streaming last weekend, and I never want to eat another piece of meat or a dairy product again!
And then, if that wasn't enough, we watched this documentary, Food, Inc, as well.
I never, in a million years, thought that I would ever go vegan.. I once ate a hamburger while watching a video of cows being slaughtered, and didn't bat an eyelash. But these documentaries really do make you think about how much nutrition we get (Forks Over Knives) as well as how poorly the animals get treated (Food, Inc).
Last Wednesday, the 18th was my first day of absolutely no meat or dairy. For the first couple of days I felt kind of bad. I wasn't really sick, but I just didn't feel like doing anything. But then on Saturday I woke up feeling great. I have to say though, that it isn't enough to just stop eating animal products. There are a lot of non-animal products (like french fries!) that you shouldn't eat. I'm mostly eating fruits, vegetables, and grains and I'm also taking vitamins. Since Wednesday I've lost five lbs and I have a ton of energy. Healthy food is a lot more expensive so I'm probably going to have to start cooking more, but I think it's worth it for sure!